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When you are having problems with your feet chances are good the first doctor you will go see is your family doctor. In some cases a family doctor can solve the problems you are having with your feet, but if your foot problems are a bit more complicated than a strain or sprain you may wish to go see a podiatrist. A podiatrist specializes in all the problems that affect your feet including Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and gout. Because your feet are so important it is very important to see a doctor that understands how to keep and improve your mobility and reduce or relieve pain. A podiatrist has studied for several years on problems that relate specifically to your feet and has the best knowledge available for taking care of the problems you are having. Finding a podiatrist is much like finding any other specialist, it is advisable to not simply pick a doctor out of the phone book but to spend some time asking and looking around to find a competent doctor that you are comfortable with seeing. Perhaps the best place to start is with your family doctor or if your foot problem is a result of another health problem rheumatoid arthritis, then asking your rheumatologist for a referral is an excellent option.

Because specialists in the fields of arthritis and diabetes will see a lot of foot problems it is quite possible that they have already narrowed down their selection of the best doctors. If you cannot find a podiatrist through your primary doctor then it is time to check with the American Podiatric medical association (APMA). They keep a list of doctors that are registered with them that can be accessed with a visit to their website or by a phone call. Another organization that may be able to assist you is the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, in addition to keep a list you can pay to have the research a particular podiatrist to verify the credentials and any professional claims they have made. If you are unable to find a podiatrist through any of these recommendations then perhaps a search on the Internet will yield some results.

Not only do many podiatrists have websites on the Internet but you will find that many people will leave reviews about their experiences with doctors, this gives you a source of first hand information that while it may not be the total basis for your decision might sway it one way or the other. Finally take the time to meet your podiatrist and talk to him about his experience as well as any concerns you may have. Some podiatrists have specialties that they focus on, if this is the case you may want to look for a Podiatrist that specializes in the problems you have. If you live in the Los Angeles area and are looking for a podiatrist that has years of experience and knowledge in the field of podiatry, take a look at the website 866 866 Feet. Dr Ravaei is a board certified foot and ankle specialist, with extensive experience in the field of podiatry.